
Unit Linked Insurance-ULIP Gives Investment Returns + Life Cover + Tax Benefits

ULIP are  financial products that offer a combination of an investment and life insurance benefits. It  allows you to invest in debt and equity funds for wealth growth while securing life insurance coverage. It offers a dynamic fund balance with the ability to switch between equity and debt components based on market conditions, providing a balanced approach to risk and investment.
ULIP Plans can be a great  option for people who are looking for a life insurance product that also offers the potential for investment growth.
  • One Plan Dual Benefit
  • Enhanced Protection for Your Family
  • Earn Market-Linked Returns
  • Loyalty Additions and Wealth

Build Wealth & Save Tax

ULIP- Unit Linked Insurance Plan
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What is Unit Linked Insurance Plan

Unit linked insurance plans combine market-linked investments with life insurance coverage. ULIPs are life insurance policies with a unique structure. The premiums which are paid by the insured are invested in market-linked securities so that they can earn attractive returns that are in sync with the market performance. In the case of death, higher of the sum assured or the fund value is paid. When the policy, however, matures, you get the fund value as the maturity benefit.
ULIPs have different types of investment funds. Each fund has a diversified portfolio of market-linked securities and the portfolio is managed by expert fund managers. Based on your risk appetite and investment needs, you can choose from one or more funds to invest your premium.
ULIPs offer flexible policy features like partial withdrawals, top-up premium payments, switching, premium redirection, etc. As such, you can manage your ULIP investment as per your needs with the added protection of life insurance coverage.
There are some charges associated with ULIPs. These charges are deducted from the premium before getting invested in the chosen funds. Thereafter, as per the performance of the market, the fund performs. The invested premium and the returns earned on it are reflected in the fund value which is as per market conditions.

BenefitHow it Works
Death BenefitIf you don't survive the policy term, your nominee will be entitled to a death benefit, which can either be -
Sum Assured + Fund Value
The higher of either Sum Assured or Fund Value
Maturity BenefitIf you survive the policy term, you will be eligible to receive a maturity benefit. It is equal to the fund value of your investment on the date of maturity.

Need and Importance of Unit Linked Insurance Plan

There are some things that an insured should keep in mind while choosing the best ULIP plan as it is essential to make the right choices .ULIP plans provide the advantages of investment and the comfort of life protection. Hence it's very important to invest in such a plan. Below are few other reasons one must consider Choose this plan If You wish to receive regular payouts at specific intervals to cover your financial goals or expenses, such as instalments for a new house, your child's education fees, your spouse's higher education fee, or post-retirement expenses, etc.

Dual Benefit of Investment with Life Insurance

ULIPs ensure life insurance coverage and market-based investments tailored to your risk profile, making it a cost-effective way to manage risk and grow wealth and makes a way to live a fulfilling lifestyle-It provides Choose this plan If You wish to receive regular payouts at specific intervals to cover your financial goals or expenses, such as instalments for a new house, your child's education fees, your spouse's higher education fee, or post-retirement expenses, etc.

Financial Security after Retirement

If you are planning to build a corpus for your retirement, ULIP can be a wise decision because of high returns that you get.

Create Corpus for Family’s Needs

The opportunity to earn market-type returns through ULIPs helps to create a huge corpus or fund for your future. Eventually, this amount can be used for your and your family’s betterment.

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Long-Term Wealth Creation

If you want to meet your long-term financial goals, then switch to ULIP. ULIPs come with a lock-in period of 5 years that keeps you invested for a longer tenure. The accumulated money helps you meet your long-term financial goals such as buying a house or car, children’s education, marriage or other major financial objectives.

Financial Goal

ULIPs promote disciplined investing, aligning with financial objectives by getting return as high as 17% and preventing sacrifices of long-term goals for immediate needs.


Lack of Stress

Fund managers of the life insurance company handle ULIP investments, relieving policyholders of financial management hassles.

Eligibility Criteria to Buy a Unit Linked Insurance Plan

Eligibility Criteria for Buying a ULIP Plan To be eligible to buy a Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP), the following criteria need to be fulfilled: Eligibility Criteria Specifications

Eligibility CriteriaSpecifications
Age at Entry Min 0 days or 18 years /Max 60 or 65 years. It can vary and range from 45 to 70 years, depending on the product and premium payment term.
Age at MaturityMin 25 years/Max 100yrs
Policy Term Range5 years to 40 years depending on the product
Lock In period5yrs
Premium Payment FrequencyYearly/ Half-yearly/ Monthly/ One-time
IncomeThe policyholder should have a regular source of income to pay the premiums towards the ULIP plan

Key Benefits of Unit Linked Insurance Plan

Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) helps you to save systematically and build wealth while also securing the future of your loved ones with a life cover. Investment plans offer numerous benefits as mentioned below;

Maturity Benefit

On maturity of the ULIP policy, you become eligible to avail of an amount equal to the accumulated fund value as a maturity/ survival benefit.

Life Cover

In case of your unfortunate demise during the policy term, your nominee/s will receive a lump sum amount. This can either be the higher of the sum assured or the fund value, or can be the sum assured plus the fund value.

Liquidity Benefit

ULIP plan gives the benefit of partial withdrawal of money after 5yrs’ to meet unpredictable events and emergencies.

Tax Benefits

ULIPs offer tax advantages with tax-free maturity as a life insurance product, subject to certain conditions based on the type of ULIP invested.

Low Charges

Annual charges for ULIPs are capped by IRDAI for the first ten years, making them comparable to mutual fund fees.

Riders Benefits

Enhance your policy by adding riders for specific events, including Accidental Death Benefit, Waiver of Premium Benefit, Accidental Permanent Total/Partial Disability Benefit, Family Income Benefit, and Critical Illness Benefit.

Fund Switching Option

It gives the benefit of free fund switching to manage the market risk.

Loyalty Additions

The best ULIPs also help you boost your accumulated wealth through loyalty additions, at the end of each policy year. A specific percentage of the fund value under the ULIP is added to your policy earnings through the creation of additional units.

Our Preferred Plan

The preferred Guaranteed return plan may vary based on individual preferences and financial goals. Factors to consider include the desired coverage amount, policy term, premium affordability, and any additional features like riders or bonuses.

Classification of Unit Linked Insurance Plan

ULIPS can be classified in various categories basis the need and requirement, one should know them to understand your goals which can help to invest in the right plan. Below is the classification;


ULIP for Wealth Collection

Targets gradual wealth accumulation, suitable for individuals in their twenties and thirties.


ULIP for Retirement

Provides support for post-retirement life, requiring premium payments throughout the policy term.


ULIP for Health Benefits

Offers financial aid during medical emergencies.


ULIP for Children's Education

Safeguards a child's future in unforeseen circumstances.

Types of Funds ULIPs Offer

The categorisation of ULIPS depends on the type of fund associated with the product. While different plans have a different variety of fund options, basically, there are four primary type of investment funds ;

Cash Funds

Invests in money market funds, cash, and low-risk instruments.

Equity Funds

Invests a portion of the premium in equity funds, offering higher risk and potential returns.

Debt Funds

Invests in debt securities with lower risks and potential returns.

Balanced Funds

Allocates funds among various assets for a balanced approach.

Types of Charges in ULIP

Insurance Companies will charge you some amount for maintaining the funds and making investments. There are mainly 5-6 charges associated with a ULIP;

1. Mortality Charges: Monthly charges for life insurance coverage based on age and sum assured.

2. Premium Allocation Charges: Deducted from the premium initially paid for the ULIP plan.

3. Partial Withdrawal Charge: Applied for withdrawals after the lock-in period.

4. Fund Management Charge: Assessed for managing ULIP funds, varying based on fund type

5. Switching Funds Charge: Applied when transferring money between different investment options.

6. Policy Administration Charges: Monthly charges deducted from premium.

ULIP Plans vs Traditional Plans

Below table will help you to understand the difference between ULIPS and traditional plans. All these plans offer something different;

CriteriaULIP's Traditional Plans
MeaningCombination of life insurance and wealth creation Focus on guaranteed maturity payout with low-risk investments
Type of PlanInvestment + Insurance Plan Insurance Plan
Liquidity Lock-in period (5 years) Locked till maturity
Risk Associated Moderate Risk Low-Risk
Loyalty Earns loyalty benefits for long-term investments Some traditional plans offer loyalty bonuses for the entire policy term
InvestmentInvests in debt, equity, or hybrid funds based on investor preferenceFunds invested in equities and debt securities as per insurer's decision
Income Tax BenefitTax benefits under Sections 80C and 10(10D)Similar income tax benefits under Sections 80C and 10(10D)

Inclusion and Exclusions in Unit Linked Insurance Plan

The inclusion under ULIP insurance plans may differ from one policy to another. The exclusions under all life insurance plans may differ from one policy to another. However, there are certain exclusions that almost all policies agree with. Below are some important inclusion and exclusions:

Death Benefits

In case of an untimely death of the life assured during the policy term, the nominee will receive a death benefit, which will help your financial dependents to fulfill their daily needs and life goals.

Maturity Benefit

If the insured person survives the entire policy tenure, ULIP pays the maturity benefit, which is the available fund value as of the date of maturity

Rider Benefit

Most of the life insurance companies offer multiple riders like Accidental Death Benefit, Accidental Total and Permanent Disability, Critical Illness Rider etc that you can attach with your vanilla policy to enhance its coverage.

Guaranteed Additions

There are some plans under life insurance which provide guaranteed bonuses This additional bonus enhances the overall returns in the policy by providing an additional lump sum benefit, which increases the total payout at maturity or in the event of the policyholder's death.

Act of Suicide

Any accident or Death due to suicide or any self-inflicted injury will not be covered


The insurer is not obligated to compensate the beneficiaries if the death of the life insured if the policyholder dies under the influence of alcohol or drugs

War or terrorism

Life insurance policies do not cover risks which are beyond their control, If the policyholder dies due to an act of war or terrorism, the life Insurance policy may not cover it.

Criminal activities

Life insurance policies do not cover risks associated with illegal activities, Death caused while performing any criminal or unlawful activities shall not get covered

Participation in High-risk activities

Death caused while participating in adventure sports or any dangerous activities like bungee jumping, rock climbing, etc. shall not be covered

Non-disclosure or Misrepresentation of Material Fact

If you hide an important fact from the insurance company at the time of buying the policy and death occurs due to such a hidden fact, the company can reject your claims. In that case, the policy would become null and void and no claim would be paid


Sexually Transmitted Disease

If the insured's death is caused by STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) such as AIDS, HIV, or other sexually transmitted diseases, the insurance provider will deny any claim for the same

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Waiting period

Death caused during the waiting period is not covered by life insurance policies basis the plan and riders opted

Different Time Periods You Should Know About in Insurance

1. Premium Payment Term (PPT): It is term for payment of premiums and it depends on the plan chosen.

2. Free Look Period: The free look period in life insurance is usually 15 to 30 days from the date of delivery of policy document, depending on the channel through which you have purchased the policy.

3. Grace Period: The insurance grace period is 15-30 days for policies basis the premium payment options like monthly, quarterly , yearly.

4. Revival Period: A revival period refers to the time band allowed by the insurance company to recover a lapsed policy starting from the due date of the first unpaid premium. Typically, this period ranges between 2-5 years and varies across insurers.

5. Lock In Period: Unit linked insurance plans have a lock-in period of 5 years.


As the need for insurance increases, doubts and queries also increase. Navigating insurance complexities can be overwhelming.To help you with this, We have tried to address common doubts for a seamless journey with Bimasure;

A Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) is a unique financial product that combines life insurance coverage with investment options. Policyholders can invest in a mix of equity and debt funds, providing both protection and wealth creation.

ULIPs work by allocating a portion of the premium towards life insurance coverage, and the remaining amount is invested in various funds such as equity, debt, or a combination of both. The policyholder has the flexibility to switch between funds based on market conditions.


ULIPs offer a dual benefit of life insurance coverage and investment growth. They provide flexibility, tax advantages, transparency, and goal-based savings. ULIPs can be tailored to meet specific financial objectives.

Yes, ULIPs offer flexibility in choosing the investment strategy. Policyholders can switch between funds, adjusting the allocation based on their risk appetite and financial goals.


ULIPs may have various charges, including premium allocation charges, mortality charges, fund management charges, switching charges, and policy administration charges. It’s essential to understand these charges before investing.

ULIPs offer tax benefits under Section 80C for premiums paid and Section 10(10D) for tax-free maturity proceeds. However, tax implications may vary based on the type of ULIP and prevailing tax regulations.

While it is possible to surrender a ULIP before the lock-in period ends, it is generally not recommended due to potential surrender charges. After the lock-in period, policyholders can make partial withdrawals without charges.

The lock-in period for ULIPs is typically five years. During this period, the policyholder cannot make withdrawals or surrender the policy without incurring charges.

ULIP performance can be tracked through the Net Asset Value (NAV), which indicates the fund’s value. Insurance companies often provide regular updates on NAV, and policyholders can access this information through online portals.

Yes, ULIPs offer additional coverage through riders. Common riders include Accidental Death Benefit, Waiver of Premium, Critical Illness Benefit, and more. Adding riders can enhance the policy’s coverage based on individual needs.

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