
Retirement/Pension Plan Get The Best Returns & Make The Most Of Your Golden Years

Retirement planning is a critical aspect of life that often requires thoughtful consideration and strategic decision-making. As we envision our golden years, a well-crafted retirement plan becomes essential to ensure financial security and independence during post-work life. This article explores the significance, types, and benefits of retirement plans, providing valuable insights for those contemplating their future.


  • Safeguards Your Life After Retirement
  • Secures You Financially During Retirement
  • Helps Build A Corpus
  • Wide Range of Annuity Options to Choose

Guaranteed Income for Whole of Life-Lead Form

Retirement Plan & Pension Plan
  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3

What is Retirement/Pension Plan?

Pension Plans, also known as General Annuity plans, are retirement savings tools that help you generate a steady post-retirement income. A pension plan is a financial product where you build a fund through regular payments or lump sum. They let you accumulate funds over a period of time, which are later converted into guaranteed post-retirement income. Before exploring the pension plans and making investments, it is essential to understand the two phases of pension plans as follows:

Phase I (Accumulation): During the accumulation phase, you regularly invest money into your pension fund. When you pay the premium regularly, it gets invested in a fund or asset of your choosing for a fixed term.

Phase II (Vesting): Once you retire and start receiving a steady income from your pension plan, you enter the vesting phase. When the vesting period arrives, you will have two options. You can either begin receiving the pension benefits or withdraw the proceeds and purchase an immediate annuity plan from the same company. The Vesting phase is also called the maturity period.

3 Types of Retirement PlansHow They Works
Single Premium Annuity PlanYou make a single lump sum investment and once you retire, you receive a regular income.
General Annuity PlanYou invest money in the plan regularly for a certain period. The accumulated money is converted into a stable income. And it's paid to you periodically- during your retirement years.
Pension Accumulation PlanYou pay premiums for the plan during the policy term. The accured money becomes a pension fund, which is paid to you as a lump sum when you retire.

Need and Importance of Retirement Plan

Delving deeper into the need and importance of retirement planning, this section emphasises the pivotal role it plays in setting long-term financial goals.

Increasing Retirement Years

With average life expectancy increasing in India, it has become increasingly important to plan for a longer retirement. An average Indian lives up to the age of 75-78 years. Hence, you need to start planning in advance to maintain your lifestyle and take care of other expenses for such a long duration.

Medical Inflation

A major worry with increasing age is unforeseen medical expenses. Rising medical costs can be difficult to manage unless you plan for them in advance.

Unexpected Events

Life is unpredictable, and unforeseen circumstances such as medical emergencies or job loss can impact your retirement plans. By starting early, you can build an emergency fund and have a safety net in place to handle any unexpected expenses.

Financial Independence Post Retirement

You would like to live your life on your own terms after your retirement. However, maximum individuals above the age of 60 depend majorly on their childrens for their daily expenses. This shows how important it is to plan for your retirement and ensure your financial independence.

Peace of Mind

It ensures financial independence, capitalises on compounding, allows manageable contributions over a period of time. These plans helps initiate planning today for a worry-free tomorrow, thus bringing peace of mind

Flexibility and Options

Early retirement planning provides more flexibility in choosing investment options . It gives advantage to long-term investment, which generally offers higher returns over time.

Types of Pension Plans

A wide range of pension plans in India are available to cater to the insurance seekers' requirements. Below are the details :

National Pension Scheme

Introduced by the Government of India for securing the individual's financial future after retirement.You may opt for this scheme if you are early on in your career and have a long time ahead for your retirement.

Pension Fund

Long-term pension scheme regulated by the Government under the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA). It offers better returns upon maturity compared to other plans. Policyholders can withdraw their annuity sum during the aggregation stage, providing financial security in emergencies.

Life Annuity

Pension is paid to the annuitant until their death. If its opted the option of spouse 'under the life annuity plan, the pension amount is transferred to the policyholder's spouse in the event of the policyholder's death.

Immediate Annuity

Annuity is payable immediately, as per payment frequency chosen, at a constant rate in arrears. Premium is paid in lump sum at the beginning of the annuity plan.

Deferred Annuity

An annuity is payable post Deferment Period, as per payment frequency chosen, at a constant rate in arrears. Premium is paid in lump sum at the beginning of the annuity plan.

Annuity Certain

It is a pension plan where the annuitant receives the annuity for a some specific number of years, with the beneficiary receiving the annuity in case of the death of the annuitant.

With & Without Cover Pension

This pension plan includes an insurance cover that entitles a lump sum amount in case of an unfortunate event. In Pension plans without cover, a corpus is provided to the nominee in case of the death of the policyholder.

Guaranteed Period Annuity

Offers annuity payments to the policyholder for specified periods, such as 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, or 20 years, regardless of whether the insured survives that duration.

Eligibility Criteria to Buy a Retirement Plan

Below is the eligibility criteria for purchasing retirement plans in India are: Eligibility Criteria Specifications

Eligibility CriteriaSpecifications
Age CriteriaDifferent insurance companies may have varying age criteria for entry into a retirement plan. Generally, the minimum age is 18, but it's crucial to check specific company policies. Some companies may set the entry age at 30, and the maximum age for eligibility is often around 70 years.
Policy TermDepending on the chosen pension plans the policy term generally ranges from 10 years to 30 years.
Premium RequirementsPolicyholders need to pay a minimum premium amount to initiate the retirement plan. The premium amount contributes to determining the eventual pension amount that the individual will receive post-retirement.
Vesting AgeThe age at which the policyholder starts receiving the pension is known as the vesting age. Typically set around 45 years, the vesting age may vary based on company norms. The maximum vesting age, at which the policyholder can start receiving benefits, is commonly set at 80 years.
DocumentationTo purchase a retirement plan, individuals are required to provide specific documents, including proof of address, age, identity, and income. These documents are crucial for the verification and processing of the retirement plan application.

Key Benefits of Retirement Plan

Buying a pension plan online comes with a lot of benefits. We have mentioned some high-yielding benefits to give you better clarity why retirement plans work best for you:

Extended Savings Duration

Retirement plans offer the advantage of saving for a more extended period, especially if one starts investing at a young age. This prolonged saving horizon allows for the accumulation of a substantial corpus, ensuring financial security post-retirement.

Independent Decision Making

A well-thought-out retirement plan empowers individuals to make independent decisions about their post-retirement life. It provides the flexibility to choose the desired lifestyle and make financial choices without being dependent on others.

Relieving Burden on the Next Generation

In the era of nuclear families, having a retirement plan helps prevent passing on financial burdens to the next generation. Planning ahead ensures that individuals can manage their expenses independently, providing peace of mind to both retirees and their children.

Protection Against Inflation

Retirement plans act as a hedge against inflation, safeguarding savings from the impact of rising living costs. Whether receiving a lump sum or fixed intervals of payments, retirees can maintain their standard of living even in the face of inflationary pressures.

Tax Benefits

Retirement plans offer tax advantages under various sections of the Income Tax Act. Contributions made towards these plans may be eligible for deductions, and in some cases, the withdrawal of interest is also exempt from taxes, providing an additional financial incentive.

Compound Interest Advantage

The power of compound interest is leveraged in retirement plans, allowing the invested amount to grow over time. Compounding helps in building a more substantial corpus, and individuals can reap the benefits of compounded returns during their retirement years.

Our Preferred Plan

The preferred Guaranteed return plan may vary based on individual preferences and financial goals. Factors to consider include the desired coverage amount, policy term, premium affordability, and any additional features like riders or bonuses.

Inclusion and Exclusions in Retirement Plan

Below are some of the common coverages under retirement plans;

Maturity Benefit

Under this plan, if the policyholder survives the policy term, it provides guaranteed benefits like a regular income for lifetime on your savings, to help you meet your savings goal

Death Benefits

In the event of the policyholder's untimely death, this plan offers a death benefit to the nominee or beneficiary if the policyholder pays the premiums regularly without any interruptions.However, in cases where the pension fund is terminated, the insurer will only pay the accumulated funds to the nominee.

Life Cover

Plans with life cover provide an additional layer of financial protection. In case of the policyholder's death, beneficiaries receive a lump sum amount.

Guaranteed Additions

These plans offer guaranteed additions, which enhances the overall returns in the policy by contributing to the overall corpus.

Act of Suicide

Any accident or Death due to suicide or any self-inflicted injury will not be covered


The insurer is not obligated to compensate the beneficiaries if the death of the life insured if the policyholder dies under the influence of alcohol or drugs

War or terrorism

Life insurance policies do not cover risks which are beyond their control, If the policyholder dies due to an act of war or terrorism, the life Insurance policy may not cover it.

Criminal activities

Life insurance policies do not cover risks associated with illegal activities, Death caused while performing any criminal or unlawful activities shall not get covered

Participation in High-risk activities

Death caused while participating in adventure sports or any dangerous activities like bungee jumping, rock climbing, etc. shall not be covered

Non-disclosure or Misrepresentation of Material Fact

If you hide an important fact from the insurance company at the time of buying the policy and death occurs due to such a hidden fact, the company can reject your claims. In that case, the policy would become null and void and no claim would be paid


Sexually Transmitted Disease

If the insured's death is caused by STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) such as AIDS, HIV, or other sexually transmitted diseases, the insurance provider will deny any claim for the same

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Waiting period

Death caused during the waiting period is not covered by life insurance policies basis the plan and riders opted

Different Time Periods You Should Know About in Insurance

1. Premium Payment Term (PPT): It is term for payment of premiums and it depends on the plan chosen.

2. Free Look Period: The free look period in life insurance is usually 15 to 30 days from the date of delivery of policy document, depending on the channel through which you have purchased the policy.

3. Grace Period: The insurance grace period is 15-30 days for policies basis the premium payment options like monthly, quarterly , yearly.

4. Revival Period: A revival period refers to the time band allowed by the insurance company to recover a lapsed policy starting from the due date of the first unpaid premium. Typically, this period ranges between 2-5 years and varies across insurers.

5. Deferment Period: The deferment period is the period after which your annuity payouts are made in a deferred annuity plan. The period ranges from 1 year to 15 years.

6. Income Benefit Period: The income benefit period is a feature that offers income benefits. This includes savings plans that offer income payouts as well as retirement plans that offer annuity benefits, the income benefit period of 10, 15 or 20 years basis the plan opted.


As the need for insurance increases, doubts and queries also increase. Navigating insurance complexities can be overwhelming. To help you with this, We have tried to address common doubts for a seamless journey with Bimasure;

Retirement plans involve making premiums for a pre-decided period, and the accumulated fund is received after the plan matures. Options include withdrawing the entire amount, purchasing an annuity plan, or making partial withdrawals.

It is advisable to start retirement planning around 10 to 15 years before the intended retirement age to accumulate sufficient funds for a secure post-retirement life.

Retirement plans offer tax benefits under sections 80C, 80CCC, and 80CCD of the Income Tax Act, providing deductions on contributions and exemptions on interest withdrawal.

Surrendering a retirement plan may incur cancellation fees, and specific conditions apply. Early surrender may require purchasing a deferred or immediate annuity plan.

Surrendering the plan after 5 years may still allow for interest payments. The policyholder may continue to receive the accumulated interest even after surrendering the plan.

Regular monitoring and updates are recommended to ensure the retirement plan aligns with changing expenses and financial goals. Adjustments should be made as needed for optimal benefits. is rooted in the desire for a secure and comfortable post-retirement life. Whether envisioning serene moments with loved ones or aiming for financial independence, a retirement plan serves as a reliable tool to achieve these goals. This section delves into the motivations behind purchasing a retirement plan and the long-term advantages it offers.

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